UC Berkeley Ultracold Atomic Physics
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E3: cQED, Optomechanics
E4: Collective modes
of spinor gases
E5: Optical Kagome Lattice
E6: cQED, Optical lattice
Retired Experiments
E1: Spinor Rubidium BEC
E2: Cavity QED
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(PHYS 290F)
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Research Highlights
Research Highlights
Cooling a Bose gas to 0.02 times the condensation temperature
Cavity-mediated coupling of mechanical oscillators limited by quantum backaction
Coherent Magnon Optics in a Ferromagnetic Spinor BEC
Collective excitation interferometry with a toroidal BEC
Standard quantum limit of force sensitivity
Quantization of collective atomic motion
A tunable optical kagome lattice
Observation of ponderomotive squeezing
Linear amplifier model of cavity optomechanics
Equilibrium dynamics of spin textures in a spinor Bose gas
Cavity-aided MRI of atoms in optical lattices
Tunable cavity optomechanics with ultracold atoms
Cavity spin-optodynamics analogs of optomechanics
Two-element Zeeman Slower for Rb and Li
Theory of domain formation in inhomogeneous ferromagnetic dipolar condensates
Amplification of fluctuations in a spinor Bose Einstein condensate
Crystalline magnetic order in a dipolar spinor quantum gas
Spontaneously modulated spin textures in a dipolar spinor BEC
Cavity nonlinear optics due to collective atomic motion
Measuring quantum fluctuations of light by the radiation forces on ultracold atoms
Spatially resolved magnetometry with a spinor gas
Direct detection of spatial coherence through superradiant imaging
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a quenched ferromagnetic spinor Bose condensate
Probing the quantum state of an atom laser pulse
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Page last modified on April 11, 2016, at 02:09 PM
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