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Nathan Brahms


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Nathan Brahms

Phone (510) 666-2625
Email nbrahms at berkeley dot edu

A native of the Bay Area, Nathan Brahms received his Sc.B. from Brown University in 2001. He attended graduate school at Harvard, working with John Doyle on buffer gas cooling experiments with weakly magnetic atoms. He earned his Ph.D. in 2008, and worked as a post-doc with Dan Kleppner at MIT before joining the Stamper-Kurn group in 2009.

Nathan currently works on E3.

Research Interests

  • Cold chemistry
  • Collisional cooling
  • Hybrid AMO
  • Quantum atom optics
  • Condensed matter simulation with ultracold atoms

Selected Publications

For publications here at Berkeley go to the publications page


Curriculum Vitae

... is here.

Some MATLAB functions written by Nathan can be found here.

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