The CaIQuE Collaboration Meeting and the MURI review meetings will be held on the UC Berkeley campus, in LeConte and Stanley Halls. Both bulidings are in the eastern part (toward the Berkeley hills) part of campus.
Directions to the Berkeley campus, parking information and other visitor information can be accessed at A campus map can be found at, or an annotated map can be found at Google maps.
Directions for those traveling from Lawrence Berkeley Labs:
Walk or take the LBL shuttle bus to the East Gate entry to campus. From there, walk downhill along the road. LeConte Hall will be on your left, Stanley Hall on your right.
Directions for those traveling by BART:
The Bay Area Rapid Transit system offers easy access to the University without the hassle of parking. Take a BART train to the Berkeley stop, located in downtown Berkeley. The Physics buildings can be reached by foot in about 10 minutes. Simply walk uphill along Center St., entering campus through West Gate, and make your way to the Campanile (tall clock tower) which should be visible from most places. LeConte Hall is directly uphill from the Campanile. Stanley Hall is a bit further uphill. One can also ride a campus shuttle bus (for a nominal fee) from the BART station to the East Gate entrance to campus. From there, walk downhill along the road, and follow the directions above.
Directions for those driving to campus:
Driving directions can be found at Pay special attention to the section on parking; one should plan on using one of the public parking facilities indicated on that website. The closest structure with public parking is the Stadium Parking Structure, just north of the football stadium (obviously) and to the east of campus. For details, see Be sure to allow some spare time to park.
Directions from Bay Area Airports:
The UC Berkeley campus can be reached easily from both the Oakland International and San Francisco International airports. If you have a choice, you might want to choose the Oakland airport for your travel since car traffic through San Francisco and across the Bay Bridge to Berkeley is often badly congested. You can ride BART from either airport. At either airport you will find airport shuttle vans that can bring you to campus -- ask to be dropped off either at the Men's Faculty Club or at East Gate. I have found the Bay Porter shuttle ( to be the most convenient.