Jan. 21
No seminar scheduled
Jan. 28
Carlos sa de Melo Georgia Institute of Technology
Quantum Phases of Dipolar Bosons
Feb. 4
Feb. 11
Jeffrey Long University of California, Berkeley and LBNL
Directed Assembly of Metal-Cyanide Cluster Magnets
Feb. 18
Silke Ospelkaus JILA
Ultracold Polar Molecules
Feb. 27
Phil Gould University of Connecticut
SPECIAL TIME AND LOCATION - 325 LeConte Hall 11:00 AM Control of Ultracold Collisional Processes With Frequency-Chirped Light"
Mar. 4
Cass Sackett University of Virginia
Levitation of Atoms Using Optical Pulses With Applications to Gravimetry?
Mar. 11
Irina Novikova College of William and Mary
Optimum Quantum Memory With Atomic Ensembles
Mar. 18
Marianna Safronova University of Delaware
Blackbody Radiation Shifts, Quadrupole Moments, and Magic Wavelengths
Mar. 19
Misha Koslov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute
SPECIAL TIME AND LOCATION - 385 LeConte Hall 12:30 PM Studying possible variations of fundamental constants with microwave spectra of atoms & molecules
Mar. 25
Spring break No seminar scheduled
Apr. 1
Apr. 8
Joe Orenstein University of California, Berkeley and LBNL
Apr. 13
Dave Leibrandt Massachusetts Institute of Technology
SPECIAL TIME AND LOCATION - 397 LeConte Hall 1:00 PM Progress toward large-scale trapped ion quantum information processing: ion chips, motional decoherence, and optical cavities
April 15
Tobias Schaetz Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics
What's Up Spins? Simulating Quantum Systems on Ion Traps
Apr. 16
Martin Perl Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
SPECIAL TIME AND LOCATION - 385 LeConte Hall 12:30 PM Title: TBA
Apr. 22
Hideo Mabuchi Stanford University
Photonic circuits for classical and quantum signal processing
Apr. 29
Chandra Raman Georgia Institute of Technology
May 6
Kai-Mei Fu HP Labs