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Spring 2015

Spring 2015

Spring 2015 Schedule

Seminars held on Wednesdays, 11:10 - 12, in 325 LeConte Hall, unless otherwise noted

Schedule will also be updated on our Google calendar here


Speaker and affiliation


Jan 28

Ehud Altman
Weizmann Institute

Universal dynamics and entanglement patterns near the many-body localization transition

Feb 4

Michael Foss-Feig

Non-equilibrium dynamics and locality in AMO systems

Feb 11

Tobias Kippenberg
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne


Feb 18

No seminar

No seminar

Feb 24
3 - 4 pm, 325 LeConte

Timothy Liew
Nanyang Tech. Univ. Singapore

Applications of exciton-polaritons in hybrid light-matter coupled systems

Feb 25

Norman Yao
UC Berkeley

Fun with non-equilibrium dipoles

March 4

No seminar

No seminar

Mar 11

No seminar

No seminar

Mar 18

Dmitry Budker
UC Berkeley Physics, LBNL NSD, and Helmholtz Institute Mainz

Optical pumping revisited, antique magnetometer at the Heisenberg limit, defective diamond photocurrent, and other thing to make you wish lunch was at 11

April 1

Richard Haywood Parker
University of Chicago and Argonne National Lab


April 8

Tomasso Calarco
University of Ulm


April 15

Nathaniel Burdick
Stanford University

Dipolar collisions in ultracold dysprosium Bose and Fermi gases

April 22

Wes Campbell

Mode-locked lasers for creating, controlling, and probing many-body quantum systems

April 29

Robert Thompson
Jet Propulsion Laboratory


May 14

Dieter Meschede
Institut für Angewandte Physik, Universität Bonn

Atoms walking in space and splashing in cavities

May 15

Andreas Wallraff
ETH Zurich

Simulating an Interacting Quantum Gas using Matrix Product States generated with Superconducting Circuits

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