Cold Dipolar Molecules: A Filtered Tale
S. A. Rangwala
Raman Research Institute, Bangalore
The spectacular success of physics with ultra-cold atoms has led to an explosion of interest in other dilute gas systems which allow different questions to be investigated. A corresponding dipolar molecular gas would set the stage for questions involving long range, anisotropic interactions. However, significant technological challenges exist along the way.
In this talk, I shall discuss the progress of "filtering the tail" of the velocity distribution of molecular dipoles from a thermal bath, their transport and trapping in ultra high vacuum and the resulting state purity. I shall highlight the progression of ideas and the corresponding experimental results. This technique will be compared with other pioneering techniques and will be bench-marked on a uniform footing. I shall then conclude with a description of the experiments at RRI, which share the same goals as the experiments described earlier but will use laser cooling techniques and other ideas to form, trap and study ultra-cold dipolar molecule dilute gas.