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Oleg Kornilov Abstract

Oleg Kornilov Abstract

Oleg Kornilov Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

"Pump-Probe Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Helium Droplets Using Femtosecond VUV Pulses."


The novel method of high-order harmonic generation is implemented in a femtosecond pump-probe scheme with the VUV pulse of 15th harmonic (52nm) used as a pump and the IR pulse (785nm) used as a probe. the photoionization of Helium droplets is studied by ionizing the droplet with the VUV pulse and probing evolution of the photoelectron in the droplet by the IR pulse. The photoelectron energy and angular distributions are detected using the energy exchange between the photoelectron and the droplet on a scale of 500 fs. Ejection of excited He Atoms from the droplets as a competing channel is also possible.

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