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Nir Bar-Gill Abstract

Nir Bar-Gill Abstract

Nir Bar-Gill
Harvard University

Coherence, metrology and spin bath dynamics using NV centers in diamond

Abstract: I will discuss our recent work on applying dynamical decoupling approaches to studying solid-state spin bath dynamics and to enhancing the coherence time and metrology sensitivity of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. First, we use multi-pulse dynamical decoupling to increase the coherence lifetime (T2) of large numbers of NV electronic spins in room temperature diamond, thus enabling scalable applications of multi-spin quantum information processing and metrology. We realize an order of-magnitude extension of the NV multi-spin T2 for diamond samples with widely differing spin environments, and demonstrate a tenfold enhancement in NV multi-spin sensing of AC magnetic fields. Second, we apply a coherent spectroscopic technique to characterize the dynamics of the composite solid-state spin environment of NV color centers. We identify a possible new mechanism in diamond for suppression of electronic spin bath dynamics in the presence of a nuclear spin bath of sufficient concentration. This suppression enhances the efficacy of dynamical decoupling techniques, resulting in increased coherence times for multi-spin-qubit systems, thus paving the way for applications in quantum information, sensing and metrology.

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