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Morgan Mitchell Abstract

Morgan Mitchell Abstract

Morgan Mitchell Institute of Photonic Sciences

"Quantum Metrology with Cold Atoms: Quantum Non-Demolition Measurements and Non-Linear Metroloy"


Quantum metrology studies the use of quantum states, interference, and entanglement in precision measurement in precision measurement. Originally, developed for interferometric measurement of gravitational waves, in recent years quantum metrology has expanded both theoretically and experimentally to become a general technique with application in several areas. I will describe experimental work using ensembles of cold rubidium, an interesting quantum paramagnetic system for measurement of magnetic fields. Using optical probes and paramagnetic Faraday rotation, we demonstrate quantum non-demolition measurment of spins at the projection - noise limit. If time permits, I will discuss the use of nonlinear Faraday rotation to make measurements with scaling better than the "Heisenberg Limit" of linear measurements.

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