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Jan Harms Abstract

Jan Harms Abstract

Jan Harms

"Is there a future for ground-based sub-Hz gravitational wave detectors?"


While a new generation of laser-interferometric GW detectors are being constructed in Europe and the US, R&D efforts are strengthened with the goal to investigate options for future detectors on Earth. The next generation will be sensitive down to frequencies around 10Hz. It is considered very challenging to extend the detection band to frequencies below 10Hz mostly because of seismic background noise and associated gravity perturbations. With a leap of faith, a group of people has recently started to look at the prospects of ground-based GW detectors sensitive between 10mHz and 1Hz. In this talk, after introducing the basic concepts of GW science and detection, I will present their preliminary results, and explain why these detectors could become a valuable contribution to a world-wide network of GW detectors.

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