Eli Yablonovitch
UC Berkeley EECS Department
Title: The Two Conflicting Narratives of Metal-Optics
There are two conflicting narratives of Electromagnetics in
1. The microwave circuit narrative in which metals, distributed
capacitors, and distributed inductors function together in a high
frequency circuit, albeit as distributed components. Here there is a
rich tradition of various electromagnetic functions, including the
antenna function.
2. This is countered by the optical-plasmonic narrative, in which
metallic electromagnetics is thought to be dominated by plasmons,
electromagnetic normal modes in which the inertia of the electrons plays
a major role.
Given that Electromagnetics is generally invariant with
frequency, it is not clear why there need to be two separate
narratives. Is metal-optics simply the high frequency version of
microwave electromagnetics? There is great benefit in unifying our
understanding of the two regimes of metallic electromagnetics, and to
distinguish the occasional role of electron inertia.
We find that some of the most important metal-optics
functions are best understood as extensions of microwave
electromagnetics: Antennas, for example, have been thoroughly
under-estimated, and are well-poised to change the rules of optical physics.