Ana Maria Rey
JILA - U Colorado
"Exploring Quantum Magnetism with Polar Molecules"
In this talk I will discuss our idea of using ultra-cold polar
molecules loaded in optical lattices as quantum simulators of strongly
correlated Hamiltonians. The aim is to emulate iconic models used to
describe solid state materials as well as Hamiltonians without solid
state counterpart.
Examples of those are generalized t-J models, directionally dependent
anisotropic spin models and models exhibiting symmetry protected
topological phases. The focus will be on KRb molecules given their
well characterized hyperfine structure and their close connection to
current experiment at JILA. The main idea is to use the rotational
degrees freedom in these molecules, controllable by dc electric
electric fields and microwave fields, as the spin degrees of
freedom. The spins (rotational levels) couple by direct dipolar
interactions which are anisotropic, long range and orders of
magnitude stronger than those ones achievable using neutral atoms.
I will discuss that despite the fact that current experiments are
well below unit filling and not quantum
degenerate they are in the position to verify and benchmark some of
the proposed spin models.