Ivan Deutsch
University of New Mexico
"Quantum control of spins in ultracold atoms"
Spins are natural carriers of quantum information be they in molecules in the liquid state, quantum dots in the solid state, or gases of trapped laser-cooled ions and neutral atoms. The hyperfine manifold of ultracold atoms provide an excellent testbed in which to explore quantum control and measurement protocols given the variety of tools available that borrow ideas from NMR, laser spectroscopy, and quantum optics. In this talk I will review a range of control tasks including arbitrary state manipulation and quantum tomography via continous measurement and compressed sensing. Our platform is the 16-dimensional Hilbert space associated with the ground-electronic states of cesium. The tools are further expanded to include collective contrl of large ensembles in order to generate atom-atom entanglement with possible applications to quantum metrology, quantum memory, and quantum computation. These theoretical developments are being implemented in the quantum computation. These theoretical developments are being implemented in the laboratory in collaboration with Professor Poul S. Jessen, College of Sciences, University of Arizona.
This work is supported by the National Science Foundation.